In Church
The YME team aim to encourage young people to deepen their relationship with God by supporting individuals where required and through the groups below.
Path - School Years 7-9
Psalm 16 tells us that God will show us the path of life. But what is the path of life and what does it mean to be on this path? Join us for some games and to explore what these questions might mean for you.
Path starts part way through the 10:30am service in the youth room, so join us upstairs to start.

How can we stay rooted in God during all the challenges that we face in life? Join us to share experiences of doing this, as well as games and growing deeper in our relationship with God.
Young Adults runs on Sunday evenings between 6:30-8pm downstairs at St Philip’s in the youth room.

Other Events
Throughout the year, we run occasional special events such as a sleepover at one of the churches and attending a summer festival.
Watch this space for more information