Women of Worth (WOW) is our women's ministry here at St Phil's.
We are sisters in Christ and share the same passion.
Our vision is:
To live out the vision of our church.
To connect with Jesus, each other and our community to grow God’s Kingdom.
To build friendships to a deeper level and make new ones.
Our heart is :
To encourage, grow in knowledge and faith and be equipped to share
with the wider community our love for Jesus and the difference He
Our desire is :
That ladies will leave events feeling blessed, connected to Christ and
each other and being equipped and empowered to share their faith
with others.
We will achieve this through a variety of events throughout the year
and all will leave with a sense of WOW!
Watch this space for info on upcoming events! Email Natalie at WOW@saintphilips.co.uk to find out more.