We'd love for you to worship with us at our weekly services. Find out all you need to know about our services below
What should I expect?
Church is a place where anyone is welcome to come and worship our God. However that looks for you, we welcome it at St Philip's. Don't worry about dressing up smart (although feel free to), or following strict rules while with us. We just hope and pray you meet with God, and have your life changed by Him.
If you are completely new to church, please come and visit and have a chat with us. We'd love to talk to you about what we believe in.
At each service, there is sung worship (different styles at each), a sermon, and an opportunity for prayer and response. We want to see God transform us all, so try to provide as much space as possible to see Him move.
We really hope to meet you soon!

A traditional service, with hymns, liturgy and a Bible teaching.
It generally lasts about an hour.
Join us for tea and coffee afterwards.
10:30 AM

A contemporary service with modern band-led worship, Bible teaching and ministry time.
Children's and Youth groups run through the service.
It generally runs for an hour and a half.
Join us for tea and coffee afterwards.