Sermon Series
Welcome to our sermon series page. Here you can explore some of the recent areas God has led us to explore. Click on an image to access the sermon series videos.
I am coming soon
Apr - Jun 2024
The ‘I Am’ statements found in the book of John hold significant importance in understanding the identity of Jesus. Each ‘I Am’ statement presents a unique aspect of Jesus’ character and purpose. It is through these statements that we can gain a deeper understanding of his mission on earth and his role in the salvation of humanity. By exploring these statements, we are able to comprehend the depth of Jesus’ love, compassion, and authority, as well as his ultimate sacrifice for mankind. These statements invite us to ponder upon the profound implications of Jesus’ words, leading us to a more intimate relationship with him and a clearer grasp of his divine nature.
By using the phrase ‘I Am,’ Jesus was intentionally associating himself with the name of God, revealed in the Old Testament as Yahweh. This connection suggests that Jesus was not merely a religious figure or a wise teacher, but the divine Son of God himself.
Lent - the challenges of prayer
All of us communicate all the time. As people of faith we also communicate with God through prayer. Sometimes prayer comes easy, but there are times when we experience challenges with prayer. In this series we get into the heart of challenges with prayer as we delve into topics such as 'Why are my prayers not working?'
Feb - Mar 2024
Presence is a very strong theme in scripture however it is not often explored. In the context of the recent isolations imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic it seems even more important than ever that we explore and embrace this theme throughout our lives, and know more fully our God’s presence.
Hence we are studying ‘being present’ in this next sermon series.
Jan - Mar 2023
Responding to the summer’s sermon series about God’s overwhelming blessing in gratitude? Where does an attitude of gratitude lead us?
It should be to commit ourselves to ‘servant discipleship’ following our Lord, responding to His self-giving love in love ready to serve.
Sept - Dec 2022
We are embarking on a new series of sermons focusing on Gratitude. It is a theme that runs through the Bible and a practice that radically transforms the hearts of those who express it, in good times and bad. We hope a sermon series on Gratitude may help everyone have a new focus and perspective and will enable them to enjoy the gifts they have received instead of taking them for granted.
May - July 2022
Walking through Lent with Luke; following the lectionary readings considering some key moments of Jesus life as told by Luke, to encourage us in our discipleship.
March - April 2022
Pastoral Principles For Living Well Together
Over five sermons we are invited to think about the things which impair relationships. The Pastoral Principles identify six ‘pervading evils’: prejudice, silence, ignorance, fear, hypocrisy and power. These ‘evils’ hinder our personal growth as Christians, hurt other people, and create barriers that stop our churches from growing into Christian communities of welcome and belonging. They are the opposite of the fruit of the Spirit. It is easy to see these ‘evils’ in others; the hard work is to see them within ourselves
January - February 2022
Welcoming The Kingdom of God Series
Our New vision ends ‘So that God’s Kingdom grows’, but what is the Kingdom of God? Jesus embraced the idea and put the Kingdom at the heart of his teaching ministry.
We will seek to understand how the Kingdom is the at the heart of the gospel and all that it means.
We want always to ask what is our part in bringing in this Kingdom as Jesus’ disciples in Wolverhampton.
September - December 2021